Recovery Zone: Volume 1 Making Changes that Last: The Internal Tasks

Recovery Zone: Volume 1 Making Changes that Last: The Internal Tasks


Recovery Zone, Volume One picks up where Facing the Shadow leaves off, guiding readers to begin working tasks eight through thirteen of Dr. Patrick Carnes’ innovative thirty-task model. This book helps readers understand that true recovery is achieved by learning to cope with difficult situations and emotions.

Stopping addictive behavior is the only way to start recovery. However, stopping the behavior is not enough to stay in recovery. True recovery is achieved by learning to cope with difficult situations and emotions. Dr. Patrick Carnes helps readers know how to deal with difficult affective states and guides them to a place of resilience so they can decide what is important in their lives. Readers will learn how to live optimally in their Recovery Zone. The work sets the stage for recovery tasks 8-13, providing readers with a practical approach to recognize the underlying emotional causes that perpetuate the addiction cycle.

SKU: 9780977440016 Categories: , , Tags: , ,
Publisher: Gentle Path Press
Product ID: 2682

Additional information

Weight 1.66 lbs
Dimensions 8 × .75 × 10 in
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P.O. Box 2112