Soul Light for the Dark Night

Soul Light for the Dark Night


Ready for your spirit to feel whole again? These daily meditations provide trauma survivors with a daily experience of the emotional and spiritual healing that our soul wants for us. Based on years of counseling and spiritual coaching of survivors of all types of traumas, the authors invite readers to a daily healing and empowering connection to their soul and conscious contact with their Higher Power.

Peace is an inside job. Deep within you is an indestructible soul whose voice and divine spark can speak the wisdom you need and prove the light to illuminate even the dark places and shadowy paths of your life journey. For many survivors of trauma and abuse, the emotional and spiritual wounds of your trauma can drown out the small, still voice of your soul and block your view of its light. But the dark night of trauma is no match for the inner light of your soul.

850 in stock

SKU: 9781732067318 Categories: , Tags: , , ,
Publisher: Gentle Path Press
Product ID: 2583

Additional information

Weight 1.88 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 1.2 × 8.9 in
Fax: 1.480.595.4753
Carefree, Arizona U.S.A. 85377
P.O. Box 2112